鴻英包餡金-包你賺現金 V8萬能包餡成型機 1.創新模組化設計, 發揮產品創意, 取得多項專利, 突破技術瓶頸 King Eagle V8 series multi purpose
1.創新模組化設計, 發揮產品創意, 取得多項專利, 突破技術瓶頸
King Eagle V8 series multi purpose encrusting & forming machine is successfully released on an originally modular design allowing more innovative products.
2.多項專利, 突破以往包餡機不可能的任務.非黏稠性食材如粉體ˋ顆粒, 皆可入餡, 不添加油脂或澱粉, 迎合健康訴求
Having been granted patents, the new machine is automatically operational on non-viscose ingredients, such as powder, particles without addingfat or starches, to meet new trend of health food.
3.各種型號ˋ零組件可自由選配及擴充, 具可塑性
Free grouping and expansion of all models, parts and components for increased platicity.
4. 追加選擇配件, 使產品造型更為豐富
Additional optional accessories making the products more attractive when it comes to modeling.
5.連接其他設備, 使產品變化為無限可能ˋ多采多姿, 更具美感與價值
Conncetable to other equipment allowing indefinite product alterations for versatility, athleticism and value.